November Workout of the Month

Written by GRP Rower Bridget Schodorf

The workout of the month is one the rowers favorite circuit strength workouts. Maybe not all the rowers, but definitely one of my favorites! It’s called the Gauntlet. It is  20’ of bike/skierg/erg/or run if no erg is available, with reps of thrusters, sit-ups, and lunges in between. 


Your clock on the monitor or watch is running the whole time, so the amount of time you take doing the exercises is less time on the erg. But, the whole goal of this workout is to do as many meters as possible in 20’. So you want to be doing your reps of thrusters, sit-ups and lunges well, but also efficiently so you can get back to your machine or running to get those meters in! 


You should set the monitors for 20’ and you stop when the clock runs out. Or if using a watch stop when you reach 20’ of total time. Meaning your last erg interval isn't going to be 20’, but more like 5’ or 6’ depending on how fast you are getting your circuit reps done. It's kind of tricky as far as timing on the monitor, so you need to pay attention to what the time is when you start your next interval. For example, say I’ve just finished my third set of the circuit and I run over to my ski erg, my clock says 13:25 left, and I know my next interval is 4’ so I will stop erging and start the next circuit when the clock says 9:25. 

The only potential problem you can run into is that your monitor can shut off while you are doing the circuit, so I recommend having a second way to time like using a watch. If your monitor stops and you aren't using a watch too, then just start the monitor again where you think you would have left off!  

So here's how you set it up:

Set your erg for 20’; start on erg, 1’ erg, 10 (dumbbells) DB thrusters, 15 sit-ups, 20 lunges (10 each leg), 2’ erg, 10 DB thrusters, 15 sit-ups, 20 lunges, 3’ on until your monitor clock reaches zero. 

You can scale your thrusters, sit-ups and lunges for your needs! For thrusters you need either dumbbells or a bar. If you have neither I suggest doing burpees or air squats. Lunges you can use dumbbells or any other fun household items if you want it weighted. And sit-ups are your standard sit-ups. I like to keep something under my back, like a rolled up mat or towel, more comfortable on the lower back! Again, you can do the cardio intervals however you are able to, and the circuit can be no weight if you don't have access to weights. The fun of this workout is to just see how much you can accomplish in 20’ of work! 


November Recipe of the Month


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