Spend the summer training with some of the best skiers and biathletes in the country
Our summer program for U20 and U23 snow athletes currently pursuing a degree while competing at a high level in Division 1 NCAA XC skiing or biathlon. The goal of the program is to provide an elite-level summer training experience, in concert with the Craftsbury Green Racing Project as appropriate.
Accepted applicants will receive coaching and room/board during the summer training season before heading back to their respective college in the fall. Participants will also be exposed to the sport of biathlon. This program does not guarantee a spot on the Craftsbury GRP upon a timely graduation from college; at the same time, it offers an opportunity to test the idea of skiing full-time after college.
In exchange for their lodging, meals and coaching, participants are expected to contribute a number of hours of work per week at the Outdoor Center. Work hours support the Center’s mission and include (but are not limited to):
Assistant Coaching of Junior Programs
Center Improvements, including trail and facility maintenance
Furthering the Center’s Mission of Environmental Awareness and Sustainability
Contributing on Special-Project Teams
Our U23 program is now open to both current and rising college students who ski competitively for Division I collegiate programs. This is a small, experienced and dedicated group of athletes who have already completed a substantial amount of collegiate-level training. Depending on training focus for any given week, this group will either function independently or overlap with GRP training sessions.
FAQs follow, or apply here. Applications are due end of the day April 14, 2025. Decisions will be made and athletes will be contacted by April 21, 2025.
Who will be the coach?
Jake Barton, Head U23 Coach, Assistant GRP and JR Nordic Coach
Pepa Miloucheva, Director of Competitive Skiing and GRP Nordic Head Coach
Raleigh Goessling, GRP Biathlon Coach
What types of skiing experiences must I have?
Athletes must xc ski for a Division I NCAA ski team or have comparable experience as a competitive biathlete. The total group size will be limited to 10-12 athletes. Consequently, even well-qualified athletes may not be accepted due to program size limitations. All applicants will be reviewed by Coach Jake with the ultimate goal of building a cohesive training group.
What does the day to day schedule look like?
Athletes will receive a weekly schedule. Depending on training demands for the week, there will be 5-7 team practices per week. Other sessions will be done on your own or with other GRP/U23 athletes.
How late into the summer can GRP Collegiate Summer Training Team participants train at Craftsbury?
Official program dates are June 1-September 1 for athletes requiring housing. Participants may train at Craftsbury before or after based on their school schedule with permission from Coach Jake.
What is the end of summer take away for athletes?
A review of the athletes' summer goals will take place plus an end-of-season evaluation of the athlete's fitness. Leaving Craftsbury, the athlete will have a clear understanding of where they are and what needs to be accomplished to move to the next level.
What is the cost of the program, and how much of it can be offset by work for the Center?
Monetary cost of the program is $500 for the summer. There are scholarships available to athletes who require assistance. All other room, board and coaching support expenses will be offset by athletes doing work hours at the Outdoor Center. Athletes are expected to work fourteen hours per week. All room and board privileges are contingent on the upkeep of the housing facility and completing all job assignments in a timely fashion.
What will the work opportunities be like?
Work hours may include any of the following:
Various projects related to helping Craftsbury become more sustainable. These could include analysis of current heating/power systems, improved management of property, and production of local food on property.
Projects that support the Craftsbury ski program in general: helping coach local juniors, students and masters as well as maintaining equipment.
Meeting needs of the Outdoor Center such as caretaking of facilities, gardening, trail work, chopping wood, etc.
Other Projects TBD. A staff coordinator will help athletes find work projects and get acquainted with other Outdoor Center staff.
When are applications due?
Applications are due end of the day April 14, 2025. Decisions will be made and athletes will be contacted by April 21, 2025. Application can be found here.
What are the housing options?
U23 skiers, biathletes and rowers have lived in dorms either on campus or up to about two miles from the Outdoor Center. Local athletes have the option to stay at home and commute to team practices. If you are a local athlete and don’t need room and board, your work hours requirement will reflect that.
What is the social life at Craftsbury like?
The Craftsbury Outdoor Center is a very busy place in the summer, with Sculling and running camps running all summer long, with the exception of a few weekends. Accepted applicants will train, work, and socialize with the year-round resident Green Racing Project (GRP) skiers. There is also a parallel GRP program of competitive rowers training at the Center.
What equipment am I required to own?
Athletes are required to possess their own rollerskis (classic and skate), helmet, ski poles, running shoes, and heart rate monitor. Athletes are highly encouraged to bring a mountain bike for commuting and cross training.