[GRP Run] GRP Welcomes New Runners

GRP Run is excited to announce 6 new additions to the team for 2022. Kathryn Fluehr, Erika Fluehr, and William McGovern will strengthen our road marathon group. Our trail group will be bolstered by Ben Feinson, Elena Horton, and Nigel Bates. Welcome, new GRP Runners! Athlete bios are below.

GRP Run athletes train and live in their home communities while receiving coaching and racing support from the Outdoor Center. They attend training camps in Craftsbury, participate in regional in-person meet-ups and connect regularly over virtual platforms. They contribute to community projects both here in Craftsbury and in their local communities.


Nigel Bates

Nigel’s enthusiasm for trails began in the Berkshires during his time on the Williams College XC and track teams. After graduating, he completed a southbound thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail, and then pursued a career in environmental education and conservation. Today, he leads the Backcountry Caretaker Program on Vermont’s Long Trail, where he enjoys helping people make connections between the beauty of the Green Mountains and the need to take action to preserve them today and into the future. Nigel relishes the challenge of moving as efficiently as possible through rugged New England terrain, but he also likes to slow down and appreciate the birds, plants, and other creatures that make these landscapes so special.

Last year Nigel won the Batona 55 and the Bloodroot 50, and he has set several Fastest Known Times including the Marston Trail Loop in Baxter State Park.


Ben Feinson

Being raised at the foot of Camel’s Hump Mountain and playing in the woods and mountains brought Ben to competitive trail running. Longer and longer “day hikes” in the Whites and the Greens led to 50, and then 100-mile mountain ultramarathons. Ben is grateful to have found a caring and supportive community of runners across New England who love long days in the hills, and aims to push his limits while helping others do the same. He founded and co-directs a community running group called the Richmond Trail Running Club, who are hosting two charity ultramarathons events this year. With the help of his RTRC friends, he set the Supported Fastest Known Time on the VT Long Trail in 2021 and he recently placed 2nd at the 2022 Cruel Jewel 100. Ben also teaches science, climbs rocks, and plays in nature every day!


Erika Fluehr

Erika grew up running in Florida (with summers in Michigan) alongside her twin sister. In high school, she was a 2x Foot Locker finalist and continued on to run cross-country and track at Princeton University. After graduating from Princeton, Erika used her remaining eligibility while at graduate school at the University of Michigan, competing on their cross-country and track teams. Since college, Erika moved to NYC for work at a software company and rediscovered her love of racing through half-marathons, marathons and road races. She qualified for the Olympic Trials Marathon in 2020 and lowered her marathon PR in 2021. Now Erika lives in NJ and loves continuing to spend her mornings outside, setting new goals in running, and traveling to races.


Kathryn Fluehr

Kathryn started running cross country in order to get ready for basketball with her twin sister. In high school, she was a 2x Foot Locker finalist and All-American, as well as a multi-state champion in cross country and track. Running led Kathryn to Princeton University, where she competed in cross country and up to the 10k distance in track. After graduating from Princeton, Kathryn finished her running eligibility at the University of New Mexico.

Since college, Kathryn has gravitated towards racing on the roads, anything from the half marathon to marathon distance. She has run 1:14:00 in the half marathon and hopes to lower that time and qualify for the 2024 Olympic Trials Marathon. For work, she helps to manage distributed renewable energy programs in places without access to electricity. When she's not running or working, Kathryn loves going out for coffee with friends, youth coaching with a local running club, nordic skiing, and biking.


Elena Horton

Elena first fell in love with trail running as a four year-old trying to keep up with her dad bounding down Mt. Mansfield in Vermont. However, without the mountains nearby in her hometown of Cincinnati, Ohio, she grew up focusing her energy on ice hockey, which she played at Dartmouth College. It wasn’t until she hung up the skates that she returned to running, using it as a way of exploring new areas, relaxing in nature, and building friendships in Seattle, WA, where she lived after graduating. More recently, grad school brought her back to the East coast, where she lives in Boston with her partner, Will, and studies as a joint MS Engineering/MBA student. Outside of running, she loves to ski, bike, climb, and try to beat her family at the daily Wordle. She recently won the Sun Mountain 50k in Winthrop, WA.


William McGovern

William grew up running and skiing in Vermont’s Green Mountains, particularly in the mountains around his hometown of Stowe. He channelled his love for running into competing first for his high school cross country team and then for Williams College. Since graduating in 2020, William has been exploring longer distances both on the trails and roads. He is currently based in Boston, where he is pursuing a Masters in Library and Information Sciences at Simmons University. William recently ran a 49:50 in the Cherry Blossom 10-miler in Washington, D.C.


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