[GRP Row]Summer Nationals

Luke and Web second in the men’s double

A squad of GRP Row and U23 athletes earned top results on Mercer Lake in West Windsor, NJ during the US Rowing Summer National Championships:

Women’s pair

1. Emily Froehlich and partner Daisy Mazzio-Manson

2. U23s Sue Holderness and Megan Lee

Women’s double

6. Bridget Schodorf and Hannah Fitts

Women’s single

Hannah and Bridget both placed 6th in their semifinals.

Men’s double

2. Luke Rein and Web Thompson

Men’s single

Luke and Web were 4th and 5th in their semifinal, respectively.

U23 women’s double

1. Taylor English and Julia Batson

U23 women’s single

1. Taylor

3. Julia

Tassneem Arafa placed 4th in her semifinal.

U23 men’s single

5. Braeden Arthur

U23 men’s double

2. Braeden and Caleb Nollenberger

Full results

Next up for six of the U23s is the U23 World Championships in Varese, Italy at the end of the July. Additionally, select athletes from GRP Row are currently at World Championships selection camp in Princeton, NJ. World Champs for the seniors will take place in Račice, Czech Republic September 18-25th.

Caleb, Braeden, Taylor, and Julia enjoying their time on the podium


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