Sunday Funday!

What day is it?!?!? RAAACE DAAAAY!!!! After a handful of days of solid rowing we finally got to race!! We woke bright eyed and bushy tailed around 4:20am to catch our carpool ride by 5:20. We arrived at Long Beach Rowing Association to participate in one of their winter series 5k head races. Alex, Bridget and I raced the quad with a local club member named Sherri who steered an amazing course! Sherri is an accomplished sculler who won a silver medal in the Lightweight Women’s Quad at the 1998 World Championship’s held in Cologne, Germany. She was incredibly helpful, giving us tips and instructions to help us row as efficiently as possible. We finished at a blazing 19:01 over 5.2k, almost 2 minutes ahead of the next fastest crew! The water was smooth and clear even though we got caught in a bit of rain the last 2k of our race. Fortunately, the rain was gone by the time we cooled down inside on the ergs and dried off. We even had a couple of retired rowing pals drive up from San Diego to watch us race!

Sam Stitt (US National Team Alum, Georgetown + Potomac Boat Club Coaching Alum) + Laura Carroll (Northeastern University Rowing Alum) yelling at us to pull harder

After the race, we went and had breakfast at a Greek restaurant called Pietris Bakery with authentic food, coffee, and baked goods. Delicious and nutritious! Afterwards, we promptly took our afternoon nap to recharge for our afternoon session. Steve had us do a 30 minute erg and an hour lift to finish off our day.

Steve experiencing FOMO over a missed Greek Coffee opportunity

Greek Coffee!!!

Once we were home we had some pasta and brussel sprouts for dinner and watched the Grammys before another early bedtime! California dreaming of sunshine and blue skies for our last day of rowing!

Fast & fierce women!


Last Day in Newport


Day 5: “A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall” in Newport Beach