17 Photos to Close out 2017, from Caitlin

We’re only a few days into 2018, so to wrap up 2017, here are 17 photos. They offer a glimpse of what the ski team, and I personally, have seen and done from November through the end of the year.

Vibrant sunsets over the sea of clouds… incredible afternoons in Silverstar, BC! We spent a week of early December in Silverstar, which was beautiful and snowy and excellent for racing.

Team photo after the classic sprint in Silverstar, except that we were missing Adam Martin!

Stunning Silverstar

Stunning Silverstar tracks, overlooking the stadium area

Waiting for the awards ceremony in Silverstar

Classic sprint podium in Silverstar! All three of us GRP women made the A-final, where Kait took 1st, I took 2nd, and Liz took 5th.

Festive red berries in Craftsbury when we returned home in mid December

Late November skiing at Craftsbury on the snow-making loop. By December the natural snow was falling and opening a greater variety of trails.

Night ski commuting through the winter storms at Craftsbury with Adam and others.

Backcountry skiing on Jay Peak with Sheldon, Ani, and Avery. I love adventures through the snowy trees! Perfect way to get out for some exercise while getting off the beaten track. Photo from Avery Ellis.

Snowy skiing in Bozeman during a brief holiday visit to my parents’ house. Photo by Scott.

Holiday hobbies… building models in Bozeman at my parents’ house

Silly games. Oh Settlers of Catan, what a game to love and hate. Late night Settlers-induced delirium with my mom and brother

Corduroy!!Bohart/CrossCut Ranch on a beautiful morning.

A very chilly and scenic ski at Lindley Park during my holiday visit to Bozeman. I skied at 5 different places in 5 days.

Nice treats, cinnamon rolls by Scott.

Skate ski at Lone Mountain Ranch over the holidays, with my brother Scott

What do I think of my 3 shiny new US National titles from Anchorage? THAT will have to wait for a future post!

Check the Outdoor Center website, such as https://www.craftsbury.com/general/about-the-center/news/detail/1942/ for news recaps, or visit our GRP or Outdoor Center Facebook pages for now.


GRP ROW- 2018 Season Update (Part 1)


West Yellowstone Week One