Summer Training Photo Update

Liz here- with a little photo update from our first few months of training in Craftsbury.

I can’t tell you how often I get the question- “what do skiers do in the summer?” And the answer is mostly, what do we not do? Summer is when the bulk of our training occurs, because laying down a solid strength and endurance base now helps us to support the intensity work we do in the fall, and then make it through the long race season. Although rollerskiing is probably the most important ski specific work we do, we also switch it up with a large amount of cross training on foot, on road and mountain bikes, and even on the water, with rowing. We also spend quite a bit of time in the gym whether doing CrossFit, circuits, or more traditional strength work. With this variety of workouts available, summer training is rarely boring.

Summer training has been going really well in Craftsbury, and I think everyone is feeling motivated and confident in the work we’ve done so far. Whether hitting the roads for long rolling skis, surviving “Threshold Thursday” (50-70 minutes of L3 work in the morning followed by afternoon CrossFit OUCH), or pushing the volume on OD (overdistance) days, we’re keeping things interesting while relying on the basic principles of supercompensation- train hard, rest, recover, repeat!

Leaving the house for the first threshold workout of the year

An early rollerski in East Hardwick, VT

Most of the team has been doing some shooting practice this summer, and occasionally things get very busy on the range

A little early garden work on a cold June afternoon- thanks to Skida for keeping us warm and fashionable!

There are a few new things at Craftsbury this summer, the first of which has been Monday mountain bike club. The GRP is helping out with coaching for this rambunctious group of 30 middle schoolers who come every week for an hour and a half to rip around the trails. The group has a wide range of skill levels, from first timers to very experienced kids, so it’s been fun for us to work with all of them to improve.

A big ole pile of bikes getting ready to go

Instructions from coach Ollie, who has been instrumental in getting the club off the ground this summer

Another change this summer has been the introduction of a U23 training group in Craftsbury. We have four college skiers joining us for the summer- 3 male eastern college skiers, and 1 female western skier/biathlete. They train alongside us for most sessions, and it’s been great to have their new energy and enthusiasm. Can’t wait to see how they do this season!

A very full van en route to rollerski practice- with the arrival of the U23’s our training group is big, but most days, still manageable

Sweaty, crowded gym circuits

We’ll leave you with a few more training photos, and hopefully will be better about updating the blog in the future so that we can get you some more recent photos.

Ida and Kait get airborne during jump skate speeds

The GRP women trying very hard to improve our leg speed at the track in Morrisville

Drafting the group at the beginning of an OD ski/run. Don’t worry, we never take up this much of the road unless part of the group is passing

Matching and exploring new roads for a skate roll through Eden, Montgomery, and Jay

Threshold Thursday part 1- double pole intervals in East Hardwick, 5-6 times up a ~1 mile section of road

Threshold Thursday part 2- running with poles on Cemetery Hill, 5-7 times up a 10 min hill

Biathlete Alex Howe taking his rifle to the paved trails in Jericho, VT, prepping for upcoming biathlon trials race in August

You may recognize a few of these photos from our Instagram page, but if you don’t follow us and would like more consistent photo updates, check us out on Facebook (Craftsbury Green Racing Project) or Insta (@greenracingproject)! Thanks for reading!


Tuesday Night Race Series


Alaska summer training with the USST camp