The Springtime Blog

What do skiers do in our one month of “free time”? After the last races at Spring Series, the members of the Green Racing Project scattered to the wind. With the dining hall closed for the month of April and a majority of people gone around the Center, we mostly took the opportunity to either go home or to go on vacation. It’s nice to have a little bit of time to reset before training starts back up, and everyone arrived back on campus with new energy and stories of their adventuring. Here’s the run-down of what everyone did:

Caitlin Patterson-

Caitlin flew out visit her parents in Bozeman, Montana, where they just moved. Here’s a photo from biking in to Yellowstone Park, with tons of bison (you can barely see one in the distance beyond her bike)

She also backcountry skied up to the ridge at Bridger Bowl after they had closed

Heather Mooney-

Heather went home (Peru, VT) to spend time with her parents and younger brother. Main activities included hiking, skinning/tele/fishscale skiing (while the snow lasted), drinking coffee, and getting her wisdom teeth removed.

Kaitlynn Miller-

Kaitlynn had a sweet adventure in Norway visiting friends and getting in some skiing, running, and fishing.

Fresh tracks outside of Tromsø, Norway

Alex Howe and Emily Dreissigacker-

Alex and Emily are getting married in August, so their springtime was full of wedding projects! Here they are under their arbor

They also made it out for a few adventures in the Northeast Kingdom- hiking Mt. Pisgah with pup Gunnar

Susan Dunklee-

Susan ventured over to Scotland for a hiking adventure. She’s standing in front of the Clava Cairns, prehistoric standing stone circles near Inverness, Scotland (fans of the Outlander series may recognize the impetus for this photo)

Clare Egan-

Clare made her debut as a trapeze artist at Club Med in the Turks and Caicos (no joke)

Ida Sargent-

Ida spent 10 days in Southern Utah biking with Pat, Elsa, and Linden and friends and then was in Vermont for the rest of the spring. This photo is from Gooseberry Mesa, outside of Hurricane, Utah

Hallie Grossman-

Hallie ventured out to California for Mammoth Lakes Marathon (and won it!), but she also spent a lot of time at home in South Burlington, VT, helping with projects around the house

Mike Gibson-

Mike’s parents live in Australia, so springtime is the only time he really gets to see them. Here’s the selfie of the year, Mike on the water with his mom and dad

Rainbows! Another shot from Mike’s trip, motoring through the Doubtful Sound to spend the night sailing on the Tasman Sea

Ethan Dreissigacker-

Ethan spent the first spring in a while not at Dartmouth, after he graduated with his engineering degree last spring. Back home in the Northeast Kingdom, he fired up his homemade smoker

He also got to work at Lost Nation Research and Development- new biathlon stock work here

Liz Guiney (me)-

Among other Western adventures, I found my way up to Bozeman to play with some college friends. There was still quite a bit of snow in the mountains there!

Mary O’Connell

Finally, we have two new members of our team this year. Mary O’Connell is in her final semester at Dartmouth, working on graduating, but found some time to explore iced over waterfalls in Franconia, NH

Ben Lustgarten-

Finally, Ben Lustgarten is also new this year after spending two years skiing with the Sun Valley Gold Team. He found some powder this spring while backcountry skiing in Estes Park, Colorado with his brother

Almost the entire team has been back to Craftsbury and started up full-time training, and we’ll be in Vermont for most of the summer getting to work on the roads, trails, and gym. Between getting sore and busting out the rollerskis, we’re also getting back to work in the gardens and around the Center. We also had our first testing week, so stay tuned for an update on that from Ben!


Craftsbury Academy Mountain Biking


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