Dachstein Mountain Tour

When there is no skiing in Austria the only thing that makes sense to me is to go hiking! We planned out what we thought would be a good 5-6 hour hike and started into the mountains.

The group was Emily, Ethan, Caitlin, and myself for the first section. Then Caitlin was going to join Nick for some Kletterstieg once we put some miles in.

We decided to take an out and back over a pass to get a view from them top. The pass had some unexpected Kletterstieg in it, but we scrambled up anyways.

Caitlin was stoked to be in the mountains. She bought some new climbing equipment so she and Nick could venture up some tougher ascents.

This is the group coming down the second pass. After this we ran along some scree fields and were supposed to meet Pepa at the Sudwandhutte, which sits below the tram to the glacier.

Here you can see the scree fields to the left. The trail took us across those before heading up some steep switchbacks.

Bathroom break at the Sudwandhutte. Pepa was nowhere in sight.

Above the Sudwandhutte. The bottom tram station is in the distance to the left of the roof.

We didn’t find Pepa, but we found Nick waiting for us in a patch of grass on the side of the trail. This trail took us up and over our third pass of the day.

Looking back out of the valley.

Further up the valley. In the distance you can see the trail that we were taking. Caitlin and Nick took a trail that left the valley to the left and scrambled up the scree field before starting the rock ascent.

Emily doing some climbing.

Further up the valley.

This trail took us along the rim of the valley we had just come up. The valley is to the right in this picture.

Our trail from above.

The coolest part of the hike was the knife edge that we took along the top of the valley.

There were a couple short technical parts but mostly nice running!

Looking back towards the mountain. Just on the other side was where we were doing our skiing earlier in the week.

Heading toward the Guttenberg Haus. From here we were heading toward that little pass in the mountains just above Emily’s head.

Cresting the last pass of the day. Down below you can see Ramsau and Schladming behind it.

The last section before we hit the Guttenberg was awesome running. There were also sheep grazing in the mountains just below us.

First sighting of the Guttenberg Haus. We were all pretty bonked by this point so it was a very welcome sight. 6 hours and 37 minutes to get there.

Enjoying some Austrian bratwurst and kaiserschmarrn. After our late afternoon lunch we still had another hour run back down to the GRP headquarters. All downhill. Very worth it though!


Signs of Fall


First week in Ramsau!