Minnesota Trials

Clare, Ethan, Mike and I just left Minnesota, where we were competing in a 4 day race series of IBU Cup Trials. The site of the trials was Mt. Itasca, a small ski club in Grand Rapids, Minnesota, which is WAY UP THERE in Minnesota, about a 3.5 hour drive from Minneapolis.

Unfortunately, there wasn’t much snow in Mt. Itasca to begin with, and the rain we got on the second day of racing didn’t help. But the organizers did a good job providing a 2.5k (ish) man-made loop that held up remarkably well throughout, and a little bit of snow and cold temperatures on our last few days made for great skiing just before we left! Turns out, you don’t really need a big loop to hold biathlon races, and the loop didn’t even get boring on training days when you had the anticipation of shooting every round.

These trials were my first real, on-snow, biathlon races so I wasn’t expecting much in terms of results, but it was great to see my teammates put together some solid races. They’ll announce the teams for IBU Cups (the level just below the World Cup) soon, so fingers crossed that the GRP will have a representative!!

We raced 3 sprints (7.5k for women, and 10k for men) and one mass start (12.5k for women, 15k for men). The weather and scenery didn’t inspire me much to take pictures, but luckily one of biathletes from Minnesota, Jakob Ellingson, is also a talented photographer so all of the race shots are from him. It was also the only day the sun came out during our entire 10 day stay, so we were happy to have sunshine and perfect skiing, along with the signature Mt. Itasca chilly weather… brrrr!

Enjoy the pics!

Mike cornering at the top of the course

Shooting prone with Maddie Phaneuf

Ethan in standing

Mike charging

Mike, in green, shooting standing

Tucking, and trying to not let my rifle hit me in the head!

Lots of girls coming in to shoot standing

Flying around the corner with Maine athlete Kelsey Dickinson

Clare starting on the foggy sprint day

Ethan out of the start gate

Clare won the final sprint! We haven’t heard yet if she’ll be named to the IBU Cup Team, but we have our fingers crossed!


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