Running in the Alps


Our stay in Ramsau so far has been nothing short of spectacular.  We have been hitting the training hard since arriving last Monday with some long runs, several hefty ski sessions up on the Dachstein glacier, and a little bounding workout in the mix as well.  The opportunity for running and exercise here in Ramsau is astounding.  There are trails all over town, connecting the local grocery store to the tallest peaks and everywhere in between.  In the afternoon of our second day here the guys crew went for a run out behind our house, choosing a trail at random and seeing where it would take us.

Heading up.

Near the top. Note the trail we climbed switchbacking up on the left.

After hitting 2164 meters in elevation, time to turn around and run home.

Since that day the weather has taken an unfortunate turn for the worse.  We have been treated to a steady amount of rain, both down here in town and up on the glacier.  Still, a bit of rain and wind and cold is not enough to throw off our game, and the training has continued unabated and with enthusiasm.  The team went on a long cruise through the mountains this past Sunday, starting down the mountain range from town and looping up past the tram that takes us to the glacier, and eventually back to our house, close to four hours of running and hiking later.

Starting our journey into the foggy mountains with Ethan looking around apprehensively.

The big man crossing a steep scree field.

Some of the crew descending out of a very foggy pass.

Although wet, foggy, and at times pretty chilly, this long run was one of the better runs I have ever been on.  It’s hard not to enjoy running through the Alps, rain or shine.  Nowhere else have I encountered such dramatic and stunning terrain.  One particular highlight was rounding a corner on the trail and coming face to face with a large cow.  Said cow was looking pretty stubborn and unwilling to move until a friendly (and far more brave) fellow hiker came up the trail in the opposite direction and gave it a stout wallop on the rump with his umbrella and a loud “Hiyah!”.  The cow took off and our run continued.

The weather has cleared since Sunday and we have been treated to bright sun, blue skies, and warm temps.  Some of my fellow GRPers have already put of some updates about our day-trip to Salzburg and other from the past few days.  Keep checking back for more updates!

–  Alex


Bluebird days in Ramsau


More Glacier Skiing Video!