Some things are better with friends

If I made a list of things that I never thought I’d do in my life, building a sewer pipeline would be right up top. In classic Craftsbury fashion, something gets checked off that list about biweekly, and on Wednesday afternoon a bunch of us did some dirty work for the Center’s new building. The new Touring and Fitness Center is progressing faster than any construction project I’ve ever seen; accordingly, they wanted to get the pipe laid and covered in one day.

Lucas was at the helm with the excavator digging a 5-plus ft trench across the lower soccer field, while the rest of us did the fine-tuning in the ditch. In particular order, it involved carrying pipes, shoveling dirt, raking stones, filling swampy areas, painting glue, waiting for something to happen so that you could do your job, finding creative ways to get out of the ditch, and some teamwork–all of which was surprisingly more fun than I thought it would be.

Us fair weather ditchers left to do other things (like running the Halloween costume 5K on the Common), but some of the guys saw the job through into the evening. I was surprised (and a little guilty…) when I left yoga that night to see the excavator still working with the headlights on. The next day a few brave souls finished it up in the pouring rain. Here are some pics, and I’m giving myself a pat on the back for refraining from using sewage jokes in this post.

Anyone seen Mike?

Creative solutions for everything around here

Beee-yootiful, beee-yoootiful

Pretty dirt!

Everything’s more fun when it’s a party

Hey buddy, get to work!




Halloween Week in Heber