Assorted Summer Photos

Here is a collection of photos from a sampling of summer activities, featuring GRP athletes at work and at play in and around Craftsbury.

This was an excellent summer for blueberries – during late July and the month of August we made trips to nearby pick-your-own blueberry fields about once a week to stock up the Craftsbury dining hall with fresh berries.  We also picked strawberries and blackberries for the dining hall, and I know I ate dozens of handfuls of raspberries and blackberries during runs and walks in the woods too.

Liz and Emily at the start of the picking session

Hannah in the berry patch

Ida in the blueberry patch

Loaded berry bushes

Liz and Emily estimate the poundage of berries – about 50lbs on this day

Wild raspberries in the woods at Craftsbury

It’s easy to get side-tracked while running in the woods during certain times of the year

Several of the skiers and rowers enjoyed the festivities at a corn roast/community party at the Laggis family’s dairy farm in late August.  We didn’t go on the hay-ride, but we did wander around the barns and visit the cows.

Admiring the animals

Cow barn

Andrew and Liz visit the calves

Visiting the barn full of calves during the corn roast festivities


This calf had a comical underbite and was also very friendly, as Nick found out

Andrew, Phil H, Liz, Pat, Rosie Brennan, and Ida outside a barn full of cows waiting to be milked

Most of the ski team volunteered to help with biathlon races in Jericho, VT.  We recorded misses, pulled targets, and ran shooting result sheets from the range to the timers.  And we were able to catch glimpses of our biathlon teammates who were racing.

Hannah skiing through the range during the biathlon races in Jericho, VT. Almost all of the GRP skiers who aren’t biathletes traveled to Jericho in order to volunteer in the races, and then we rollerskied on the loop for our daily training once the race was over.

Ethan during the biathlon rollerski races in Jericho, VT

Susan cruising by the range at Jericho before the biathlon races

The GRP helped put on two BKL camps this summer.  A few photos of the BKL kids practicing technique drills.  Many of these kids have rollerskied only a few times, but they pick it up really quickly and can zoom around with no trouble by the end of the session.

BKL agility

Lining up for technique with Nick and Liz

Skate technique

Andrew demonstrates V2 for the BKL group on a picturesque summer afternoon

A few BKL skiers watch Andrew demonstrating technique

Liz mentioned our single-track mountain bike trail work in a post a few days ago, and here are more photos of the team at work:

Making a plan for the day’s work

Pete, Andrew, Liz clearing obstacles

Blazing trail

Pete and Susan digging trenches and placing rocks

And last but not least, two nature photos taken within a few minutes’ walk of Elinor’s house that I can’t resist sharing:

So tiny and cute! (At least for those of us who like frogs…)

A sundew plant growing on a dock. Susan pointed this out to me – she’s an expert at spotting interesting flora and fauna. Sundews are carnivorous – they catch insects on their sticky leaf pads and digest them.

Thanks for viewing!


Sea legs to ski legs


Ducks Fly Together