Putting the G in the GRP

As the newest rower of the Green Racing Project, I thought I needed to do something “to put the G in the GRP” as Coach Dan Roock likes to tell us.  It is important to remember the sustainability aspect of the Outdoor Center’s Mission in the way that we carry out our lives.

After a summer of training with the SBTC program in Craftsbury I was at home in Massachusetts for a few weeks with my family before returning to Vermont.  I do not have a car, nor did I have a ride to return, so why not bike?  I did exactly that this past weekend.

The 200 mile trip took two days, with a stop in Hanover, NH for a night before continuing north along the Connecticut River.

Here is a rough map of my route and some other photos from my trip.

Setting out fully loaded.

Scenic New Hampshire hills.

One of the many covered bridges over the Connecticut River.

Can you spot the scullers from the Dartmouth boathouse rowing in the morning river fog?

And finally, welcome back to the Hosmer!


A Home Away From Home


Ride the Lightning