Stormy day here in Chungju. Race officials moved racing to earlier in the day today due to severe wind and rain coming in this afternoon. As far as I know, they were successful in getting all of the scheduled racing in today. Because of the inclement weather, Ben and I practiced early this morning and will probably be staying indoors for the rest of the day. We race in the A/B Semifinal tomorrow afternoon at 1.30 pm Korean time, so 12.30 am eastern time. So far today has been a good opportunity to relax and continue to recoup from yesterday’s race and make sure that we are brimming with exuberance tomorrow for our race. Yesterday’s rep, while highly successful in placing us in the top 12, was extremely difficult. I think we probably made the classic mistake of launching too early for our race given the hot and humid conditions. We ended up baking in the sun for a little too long and by the time the race came, we seemed cooked. Luckily we were able to put together a good enough race to advance. That won’t be good enough tomorrow though. Tomorrow we will be up against the best doubles in the world and will need every trick we have to hang with the field. After our race yesterday, we were fortunate enough to get some good treatment from the trainers and a nice ice bath to jumpstart the recovery. Honestly, I have never been so happy hopping in a pool of 50 degree water.


View from the Kiddy pool


Ready to begin