Lightweight Update from OKC

The Phil’s and I are still on the loose in OKC. Although we are getting some quality training with a solid group of athletes out here, we are quite jealous of our GRP teammates who have made their way back to Craftsbury and the recently thawed Hosmer. Much respect to the first GRP’er to row on Hosmer this Spring – skier Susan Dunklee! I’m sure she was navigating the last chunks of ice floating around out there. The scenery on the Oklahoma River is quite different as you can see from the video below. In the background, you can see the OKC skyline and the Devon Boathouse where we train everyday.

Watch video on youtube.

The training atmosphere out here has been growing more intense as we approach the racing season and selection camps. Official selection for the lightweight men’s four begins with the 2nd National Selection Regatta which is scheduled for May 15-18. All members of the group here will be racing in pairs at this event. We have been doing lots of training in pairs with as many different combinations as possible. The constant switching has made for some great competition. The video below is from one of our training sessions.

Watch video on youtube.

Last weekend, the Phil’s and I ventured downtown to attend the OKC Marathon registration where we helped promote the Learn-to-Row programs offered by the OKC Boathouse Foundation. It was great to chat with members of the community and get people excited about rowing. We gave our best sales pitches to convert runners to rowers as they perused the booths scattered throughout the large registration room at the Cox Convention Center.

Recruiting new rowers at OKC Marathon

In my last post, I mentioned that there was no recycling pickup at our apartment complex. While that fact remains, we have been making weekly trips to the recycling center which is located downtown. We’ve had some pretty big hauls!

Loading up to hit the recycling center

Phil sorting recycling – and looking good!

So we will be heading to New Jersey on the 9th to prepare to race at NSR #2 with at least some of the GRP coming down from Vermont. We’ll keep you posted as we continue to travel and begin racing.


Getting the Band Back Together


Homeward Bound!