Tour de Twin Cities: Results & Pictures from the 5/10k Skate

Today we competed in the first of five races at the Tour de Twin Cities. The race was held at the Theodore Wirth Golf Course, (the Weston of the West), within eyeshot of downtown Minneapolis. Today’s course was an almost-5k loop of mostly man-made snow, featuring surprisingly steep and frequent hills for a golf course. Men did 2 laps (about 21:00 for the winners) and women did 1 (about 12:00). This was a very short, fast and hard race for us!

Nils led our men’s team results today in 5th place, followed closely by Bryan in 8th and Dylan in 10th. Alex was 14th, giving us 4 in the top 15. Gordon and Patrick were not far behind in 21st and 24th, respectively. On the women’s side, I was 5th and Maria was 11th. Our adopted teammate of the week, Erika Flowers, was 2nd! Tomorrow we have a mass start distance classic race, followed by a classic sprint Monday (although the “high” for Monday is reportedly -5, so there may be a schedule adjustment). Then we have 5 days off before finishing up the tour next Saturday & Sunday. Here are some pictures from today!


We’ve adopted ST2 (Stratton Mtn School elite team) standout Erika Flowers for the week. With Hannah, Susan, Ida, Caitlin and Pepa all in Europe, we needed some more ladies around here!!! …We might not send her back. For the record, her 2nd place finish today was fueled my oatmeal topped with fruit, and breakfast is her favorite meal of the day.

Here is Bryan at about 4k, on his way to 8th place.

Gordon’s fan section on his hometown course.

And here are the rest of the pics- click for a larger image. Enjoy!


My breakfast of champions!!!!!








Alex almost there.

Nils on his way to 5th place!

Happy on his home turf!!!

Women flocking to Gordon

Family Foto

Team Maryan

Coach Chris Cook

“Hey Erika, I heard you got second!”

What a good-looking group

Last-minute floro application by midwest junior!!!!


La vie en France!


The Biathlon Rollercoaster