Roll Run Row

For roughly the past two years, the GRP skiers and SBTC rowers have been talking about the doing a “Craftsbury Triathlon”.  It would be the ultimate test of the well-rounded Craftsbury athlete: a rollerski on the Creek Rd. from Irasburg to the end of the pavement, followed by a run back to the center on the dirt roads, followed by sculling to the end of the lake and back.  Each leg would take somewhere around 25 minutes for someone who was fast at the particular activity, and potentially much longer for someone who wasn’t.  Finally, after all these years of talk and speculation, the dream became a reality and the inaugural Craftsbury Roll Run Row was held this past Friday.  Here are some pictures of the day.

Tim and Pat came in together after the running leg. But would they stay together for long?

The rowing battle didn't last for too long until Tim flipped. Larry coached him back into the boat.

Lynn ran the running leg for the "masters" team. They were missing a rollerskier, so their win was unofficial.

Ethan made up a large deficit after the first two legs to take the win.

Claire sported a Belarussian rowing uni for the race. She almost caught Pat in the row and took 3rd overall.

John Graves was 12 minutes behind after the rollerski, but plowed through the competition in the row to take 5th.

Dylan climbs back onto the dock after jumping in to save the seat that fell out of his boat.

Megan got to the dock and said, "Pepa, teach me how to row!" By the end of the row she was doing great with some coaching from Larry.

All of us hanging out after the big race. It was a long hard race. I think the winning time was around 90 minutes.


My First Summer in Craftsbury, and other Firsts


Wild Alaska