From Trees to Lumber

Starting with a tree...

A year’s worth of trail work and clearing projects around the Craftsbury Outdoor Center have added up to one giant log pile, towering over Elinor’s field.  Will Strong, a colorful Craftsbury native and current Wolcot resident  brought in his portable saw-mill to turn our log pile into some lumba’ and a big pile of sawdust for various COC projects. Will made quick work of the pile, milling about 30 logs or about 1000 board feet per day as he said his goal was to “get outa he’ya befo’ah the snow flies”. He may have jinxed himself, as almost everyday he spent at Elinors there were flurries, but Will didn’t let this slow him down. Logs were mostly milled for optimal utilization, but some of the cedar logs were milled in half for use in the up coming nature trail through Craftsbury’s scenic swamp. The rest of the lumber will be stacked at the center. Feel free to stop by and watch the exciting lumber drying process!

The finshed product


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