On the compost shed and balance

I’ve been back in Craftsbury for almost two weeks now, and let me tell you, its nice to be done with classes and back to the “real world”.  Haha, I’m laughing as I write that since I realize that this not at all the real world by most people’s standards.  But it does feel good to do some work thats actually constructive and to get back in to summer training.

That said, I’m still trying to figure out the right balance of training, working and rest.  I think that I may have been a little over-enthusiastic in my first week back here, and its been catching up with me these last few days.  Part of the “problem” is that I’m really excited about how the new compost shed is shaping up, and I just keep wanting to help with it.  I’m embarrassed to admit that just an hour or two of hammering nails and carrying boards around really tuckers me out.  Its a tough balance to strike–how much construction work can I do after a morning workout, and still feel decent for the next day’s intervals?  Though I guess that if this is the most of my worries, things are going pretty well!

A little more on the compost shed:  I spent a while last summer planning a compost system for the Center with help from Tom Gilbert at the Highfields Institute, a composting center in Hardwick. This spring, Brian Gluck took charge of the project and made a real construction plan, and now its really starting to take shape!  Hopefully in a couple more weeks we’ll be able to start collecting food scraps from the dining hall!

don't the flower's make it look nice?


Hiking with the SBTC

