I’m turning into a blogger!

Really, I can feel myself getting geekier by the post.  If I’m writing too many, please someone try to stop me, or check me in to blog rehab or something!  But I figure that I should write blogs now when I have a bit more to write about, and then I’ll cut back down on them when I get home.

But at any rate, yesterday we had a relay race so I thought I’d give a quick update on that.  I’ve given up on posting photos until I get back.

The relay was fun!  I skied the third of four legs, but I started off right with a group of girls  and was able to ski with them, and even passed one or two! Then I cleaned the first shooting, and it was sweet!  The feeling of coming into the range with a group and then leaving ahead of them is pretty exhilarating!  After that I got a bit more tired, and the standing shooting didn’t go as well.  I had to use all three of my extra bullets, and then still had to do one penalty.  I should explain here that in a biathlon relay, you get to shoot one regular clip, and then if you miss any you have 3 extra bullets that you hand-load to try to knock down all of the targets.  If you still have targets standing, you do penalty laps.  So you really want to not have to do any penalty laps.  The winning teams had no penalty laps and only used a few spare rounds. In the end, we ended up 9th out of 11, but we had been ranked 10th, so at least we moved up a spot!

Most of all though, it was just cool to feel like I was really competing with the girls from the other countries, even if it didn’t last that long.  It was fun!


Derby Meister and 1st Biathlon Race


The Mustache