More Shooting! (and skiing)

It was sort of tough for me to miss out on racing in the huge field at Trapp’s this past weekend, but I chose instead to do a few more biathlon races while I had the chance.  Luckily these ones were just in Jericho, not Minnesota, so I was even able to make it back to Trapp’s in time to watch most of the boys’ race.  The races were Nor Am’s, and there were a few Quebecois skiers, but the fields were still just as small as is typical for Biathlon races in North America.  Nonetheless, there was some tough competition, so I was excited to have good races both days!

Saturday’s race was a sprint, which means I shot twice and skied 3 laps of a 2.5k course.  With one miss, I ended up second for the women.

Sunday’s race was a pursuit format, which means I shot 4 times and skied 5 laps of a 2k course.  I didn’t shoot quite as well, but with 5 misses I was still happy with it, and I ended up second again.  On the last standing shooting, I came in to the range at the same time as Annelies Cook, who ended up winning.  It’s sort of exciting when that happens, because we were basically taking turns shooting, and trying not to miss!  She shot clean, and I had one miss, but it was still fun!

Watching the boys race at Trapp’s afterward made me a little bit jealous of the hundred of competitors and beautiful courses there, but I’m really starting to like the excitement and variability that shooting brings to races!


Home, Home on the Range


Half as cool as the rest of the team