Good days and Bad days…

After Tuesday’s sprint I was riding a pretty good high but that kind of fell apart today after a not so hot 10km classic race. The 3 lap course was insanely hard with huge climbs and fast downhills and I felt very flat. My tempo was low and my body felt heavy. I started out at a slow pace and kind of slowed down even more as the race went on. The new snow also made waxing tricky which didn’t help. But you have to have a few bad races in the mix to really appreciate the good ones! I know I can pull it all back together to have a much better race on Saturday during the 15km pursuit. Noah Hoffman was the top American today with a 20th place finish and Becca Rorabaugh and Rosie Brennan both notched top 30 finishes in a competitive field!


Eat the pasta or else you’re gonna bonk

