Pun Jokes: A Confession

It’s probably time for me to explain something.

As some of you who also read fasterskier may have seen, I have been doing a lot of writing for that site.  I wrote a training tip for them, and soon you’ll see another article in the featured section by me.  In both, I have a bio at the bottom that mentions a few things.  Most significantly, it mentions the company I co-own with my college friends, lobsterjoke.com.  You may have noticed this earlier in my GRP blog, and if you saw that, then you may have also noticed that I wrote that pun jokes are one of my interests.

So I’m going to come clean right now.  I’m a lover of puns.  I always have been.  Call me a nerd, call me a dweeb.  I don’t care, I just love ’em.  I’m not even embarrassed.

With that said, you should check out lobsterjoke.  There’s some real nice humor on there and I think you’ll love it.  If you like the jokes, you’ll love the shirts.  And the shirts make great Christmas presents.

Not that you all know about me, here’s a great story:

Yesterday Chelsea made a cake that was sort of like an upside-down pineapple cake, but instead of pineapple, there was pears.  So an upside-down pear cake?  Not sure.  The problem was that the pears were too soggy and they didn’t look good on the top, so she kept the pear side face-down.  But when we ate it, the pears would fall off the bottom.  Now that’s the background, but it gets better.  As Lauren was cutting a piece for Anna, the pear on the bottom fell off.  That’s the best part, so Lauren made an effort to get the pear back on there.  As she did this, Anna said… (and this is awesome)… “You’re re-pear-ing it!”

Ever since, I’ve been thinking of how to use more pears in my life, in hopes that one will fall off, and someone will try to put it back on, and I can claim the re-pear joke as my own.


Can’t qualify if you fall


Day in the Life of a “Biathlete”